The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick

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I just finished reading “The Art of Deception” by Kevin Mitnick and wanted to share my thoughts while they’re still fresh. I used Audible for this one, as it’s my go-to for anything book-related. I’ll save my rant about that for another post and focus on this book for now.

This book is a little different, as I feel like it would be a good reference to have on my shelf. It contains lots of great references and the guide policies at the end seem extremely handy, and at times, very familiar to my current life. Overall, I thought it was a good book.

Interestingly, I’ve had this book in my wishlist for years but never committed to it. I’m glad I waited because I’m pretty sure I would have been lost with a lot of the terminology and exploits used. I actually decided to read this book after finishing Mitnick’s other book, “Ghost in the Wires.” Having read “Ghost in the Wires” first and then this book, I chuckle now, as most of the stories from random people he talks about in “The Art of Deception” were actually him. I guess he didn’t want to necessarily admit to a bunch of wrongdoings when he was still within the law’s grasp.

Besides all that, I think the book is a great reference guide to the capabilities of social engineers. I always knew being duped was a possibility, but hearing so many stories really opened my eyes to the alternative routes social engineers can take to get what they want. It provided a lot of good lessons, and as I mentioned above, the policy section at the end of the book would be great reference material. I even found myself thinking more about how I engage with strangers.

I don’t remember all the scenarios, and I don’t really want to get into them all, but I definitely feel like if you work in the IT or cybersecurity world, this book should be a must-read. In all honesty, I had heard of Kevin Mitnick’s name but never knew who he actually was. Now that I do, I’m going to see if he does any speaking events. I think it would be fascinating to hear from him directly.

So, I would definitely recommend this book if you’re interested in how social engineers play the game. I would also recommend Mitnick’s other book, “Ghost in the Wires,” as it was a really fun story to listen to. Thanks for reading, and catch you all later.

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